Which would you choose?

When I reported continuing residual effects, months after release from hospital due to Guillain Barre Syndrome, an Internal Medicine Specialist described my peripheral nervous system (treated with Intravenous Immunoglobulin IGG/IVIG Therapy) as follows: imagine you cut an electrical wire in half, spliced it back together and wrapped it in duct tape; it works, but never the same.  

As part of my recovery, I had been sent home from hospital with the rubber compression band shown in the above picture and told to wrap it around my legs to increase circulation. 9 years later I discovered High-Powered Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy (also pictured) which is effectively a “battery charger for cells”. PEMF started me on a path of ascending wellness.   

We don’t know what we don’t know!  When GBS hit I had never heard of PEMF.  Sadly neither did the amazing team of professionals who cared for me. What I DO know is my true recovery would have started sooner had "someone whom (in my view) SHOULD know" accelerated my progress with High-Powered PEMF. 

Obviously, at a cost of around US$20,000 per unit, it is not possible to send every patient home with a High-Powered PEMF - but it is possible to imagine a High-Powered PEMF on every floor of every hospital to help every patient who could benefit from it.  And that’s pretty much any patient with cells – who isn’t pregnant or has a pacemaker.

You may wonder why I still have the compression band. It hangs off the handle of a PEMF device as a lasting memento of my journey from Ascending Paralysis with GBS to Ascending Wellness with PEMF.

Kindest regards,

James, www.replenishingtechnologiesinc.com

Replenishing Technologies Inc (RTI) does not diagnose, treat, nor cure any illness or medical condition. Our services promote wellness and improved athletic performance; results vary. Readers and users alike are advised to use the information, technologies, and methods presented under the supervision of their family doctor and/or other health professionals they rely upon.  

Replenishing Technologies Inc (RTI) does not diagnose, treat, nor cure any illness or medical condition. Our services promote wellness, “personal best” life and athletic performance, as well as amplified resistance to illness and injury; results vary. Readers and users alike are advised to use the information, technologies, and methods presented under the supervision of their family doctor and/or other health professionals they rely upon. RTI is a division of Replenishing Care and Technologies (RC&T) www.rcandt.com

Replenishing Technologies

151 Beckett Crescent
Fonthill,ON, L0S 1E4


PEMF therapy
Replenishing Care and Technologies
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