PEMF is like a battery charger for cells: PEMF delivers a safe, gentle energy into the body that increases our cells’ capacity to perform the functions our bodies need them to perform for wellness and best performance. Through this process of re-charging the cell, PEMF helps re-establish cell membrane potential (and thereby the capacity of the cell to continue doing what it is meant to do). This includes transporting oxygen and nutrients in – and waste out, as well as communicating with other cells and repairing themselves.
PEMF is drawn to where it is needed: under-charged cells constrict, force toxins out, and draw the energy in; fully powered cells allow the PEMF energy to pass by. PEMF stimulates all levels of the body: the energy is non-toxic and travels through the entire body – affecting individual cells that make up the tissues, organs, and complete body systems. Muscle twitching is a common response as the cells in need of the healing energy: constrict, force toxins out, and draw the needed PEMF energy in.
PEMF is highly versatile and generally shows results quickly. 95% of people report less pain, increased range of motion, more energy, and a greater sense of well-being after just 15 minutes of PEMF treatment. These improvements last from 4 hours to 4 days as the healing process begins. Repeat use extends the period of benefits; PEMF helps reduce/reverse chronic issues (such as organ dysfunction) over longer periods.
Replenishing Technologies Inc (RTI) does not diagnose, treat, nor cure any illness or medical condition. Our services promote wellness, “personal best” life and athletic performance, as well as amplified resistance to illness and injury; results vary. Readers and users alike are advised to use the information, technologies, and methods presented under the supervision of their family doctor and/or other health professionals they rely upon. RTI is a division of Replenishing Care and Technologies (RC&T)