High-Powered (RINGER) PEMF devices deliver healing energy by means of a “sudden burst of energy” called a “pulse”. Pulses cause cells to resonate at their own frequency like ringing a bell.
Low-Powered (HUMMER) “Pulsed” Electromagnetic Field devices (ironically) do not pulse but rather emit a repeating waveform that delivers a steady level of low energy into the body. These are tuned to a specific frequency to activate one or more energetic structures by “humming” a frequency. It is substantially less than the energy delivered by a high-powered unit. The reported benefits are far less immediate and dramatic. Most people do not feel low-powered PEMF treatments; there is no muscle twitching (common to High-Powered PEMF therapy).
In our 12+ years of clinical experience RTI has concluded most technologies offer some value, but some just offer FAR more than others. In our society when two groups of products are priced significantly different, it is because there are significant differences in engineering, quality, and performance. In RTI’s experience, PEMF is no different.
Debate among PEMF proponents about the comparative merits of RINGERS and HUMMERS often causes confusion – especially to those first learning about PEMF technology. This is both unfortunate and unnecessary since it is somewhat like an Apples and Oranges comparison.
That is one of the reasons RTI is pleased to offer a DUAL PEMF device (please see RC Digital DUAL Tabletop or Mini-CB Tote descriptions on the Products page) that is both a medium-powered Ringer (you feel it but not as much as you would with a High-powered PEMF device) and low-powered Hummer (which like other Hummers you do not feel – though it still offers meaningful healing value) in one unit.
Replenishing Technologies Inc (RTI) does not diagnose, treat, nor cure any illness or medical condition. Our services promote wellness, “personal best” life and athletic performance, as well as amplified resistance to illness and injury; results vary. Readers and users alike are advised to use the information, technologies, and methods presented under the supervision of their family doctor and/or other health professionals they rely upon. RTI is a division of Replenishing Care and Technologies (RC&T) www.rcandt.com