Cellular Health

PEMF for Horses

Best Performance made REAL

Horses are 800 to 1200 pound animals that spend most of their time standing on (the human equivalent of) a middle or third finger. A highly-evolved musculoskeletal system enables the animals to move both rapidly and efficiently with racing horses capable of speeds between 35 to 55 miles per hour (depending on distance).

Of course these same bio-mechanics that make horses so versatile and athletic - likewise make the animals vulnerable to INJURY! When a horse's leg hits the ground at race speeds, the leg bears a load 3 to 5 times body weight; during turns centrifugal forces increase the load by 5 to 10 times the body weight.

Wear and tear injury is inevitable! When a horse’s hoof hits the ground, repetitive impact produces microscopic cracks and crevices inside the bone so tiny they are undetectable by standard X-rays; as noted, horses involved in racing (as well as jumping, rodeo and other sports activities) face increased potential for injury

For owners, trainers, therapists, veterinarians and others devoted to horse wellness and care, helping horses live long and healthy lives is for most a true labor of love. Toward this end an increasing number have turned to High-Powered Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy which is a proven augment to professional skills, intuition, experience and ALL other methods. Indeed the majority of people who contact us about buying a High-Powered PEMF for their horses (and often secondarily themselves) have already made the decision to do so - having seen the benefits personally or heard about game-changing outcomes close friends and associates have seen.

For privacy reasons we do not share the names of those with whom we work, so we're naturally thrilled and gratified (though no longer surprised) whenever those we serve share personal successes with their horses or themselves:

Why PEMF Matters and is SO effective

What PEMF does?

  • PEMF is a drug-free way to reduce pain, inflammation and stress, improve performance and accelerate healing in horses.
  • PEMF can and is used to treat the whole body or a specific area/injury.
  • PEMF is non-invasive, does not hurt or require sedation and is recognized as an effective way to calm horses before events.
  • PEMF is versatile and helps treat areas not easily-available using other methods (e.g. the poll, TMJ joint, upper neck, hamstring, psoas muscle).
  • A good way to think of PEMF is like a battery charger for cells that safely and gently gives cells back the natural electrical charge needed to function, heal and repair (improving oxygen and nutrient flow in, forcing waste out and communicating with other cells).
  • PEMF stimulates all levels: cells, tissues, organs and complete body systems.
  • In fact PEMF instantly stimulates muscles, connective tissues, intestines, tendons and cartilage, the brain and peripheral nerve sites promoting healing so Horses/Owners perform at higher activity levels.
  • PEMF stimulates cellular metabolism, blood and fluids circulation, tissue regeneration and immune system response – creating systemic improvement across cells, organs and integrated systems so Horses/Owners perform better.
  • PEMF increases blood circulation in and around damaged tissue and helps damaged cells heal by bringing more oxygen into the cells so functions that were lost, begin to recover and injury, illness or surgical recovery is accelerated.
  • PEMF is naturally drawn to cells that need it and passes by fully-charged cells. Since muscle twitching is a common response, PEMF helps identify and/or confirm sore or problem areas.
  • PEMF generally shows results quickly – predictably reducing pain, improving range of motion, increasing energy, and making users simply feel better after just 15 minutes of treatment.
  • Initial improvements last from 4 hours to 4 days as the healing process begins. Repeat use extends the period of benefits and helps reduce/reverse chronic issues (such as organ dysfunction) over longer periods.
  • Since PEMF promotes longer-term health and wellness it is typically an investment that will help Horses live long and healthy lives (their Owners too).
  • Importantly PEMF uses and enhances the User's innate ability to heal, repair and perform which is their greatest health resource.
  • PEMF helps with (virtually) everything because using PEMF unleashes the power of your body to heal and repair (thereby) contributing symptomatic relief through systemic improvement of cells, tissues, organs and body systems.
  • 95% of people report less pain, increased range of motion, more energy and a greater sense of well-being after 15 minutes of high-powered PEMF use.
  • These are mirrored in the commonly-observed Equine benefits of PEMF, as follows:
    • Reduced pain;
    • Reduced inflammation;
    • Improved performance and well-being;
    • Increased range of motion and muscle elasticity;
    • Improved circulation and accelerated injury, wound and surgical recovery;
    • Improved relaxation and stress reduction;
    • Reduced soreness: Back, Stifle, Joints, Neck, Poll, TMJ, Shoulder or Hooves;
    • Soft Tissue recovery: Bruised or Torn Muscles, Tendons and Ligaments;
    • Accelerated bone healing;
    • Improved immunity and
    • Anti-aging.

Most horses like PEMF and demonstrate their approval by shifting their bodies to ensure the coil placement gets exactly on THAT RIGHT SPOT; we know of a couple of cases in which they (seemingly) lined up to await their turns.

(Perhaps) best of all, PEMF DOES NO HARM!!!!!

RTI PEMF device choices for Equine Use

Note: In the event you are unfamiliar with the relative differences in Gauss ratings we included (what we hope is) a helpful comparison to motor vehicles:

No matter which Device you choose

These differences not withstanding any of the 4 PEMF Devices (as with the 4 vehicles) will get your horse (and you) where want it to take you. ALL RTI PEMF Device Packages include a Pelvic Correction Kit, Human Performance Technology and Complete Equine and Human (Whole Body Protocol) Training at no additional charge.


No matter which machine is chosen, RTI PEMF Owners are provided complete training in Equine PEMF Care and Human PEMF Care Whole Body Protocol Manual Protocol Manual detailing coil placements and timing (with pictures) which also serves as a valuable reference when needed.

Over the years spent as a PEMF Practitioner we have also learned that STACKING complementary technologies (specifically Pelvic Correction Kit which we use to augment our Spinal Protocol, and Human Performance Technology socks/insoles – which optimize a person’s neurology in 7 seconds) and alternating Treatment Coils contributes even greater outcomes.

NOTE: ALL RC MAX PEMF 120 and Apollo Devices are equipped RTI's upgraded Coil Package which includes 5 Applicator Coils for the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) for 3 Coils, plus a Pelvic Correction Kit, Human Performance Technology and Whole Body Protocol Training at no additional charge. RC MAX SOZO Units may be outfitted with standard 2 to 5 Coil packages but also include Pelvic Correction Kit, Human Performance Technology and Training (as illustrated below in our RC MAX Sozo Spark standard 2 Coil Equine Care Package).

RC MAX Sozo Spark  Equine - 2 Coil Package

RC MAX Sozo Spark Equine - 2 Coil Package

RTI provides unlimited Proficiency Training and ongoing support in our Protocols to those whom we train.

Replenishing Technologies Inc (RTI) does not diagnose, treat, nor cure any illness or medical condition. Our services promote wellness, “personal best” life and athletic performance, as well as amplified resistance to illness and injury; results vary. Readers and users alike are advised to use the information, technologies, and methods presented under the supervision of their family doctor and/or other health professionals they rely upon. RTI is a division of Replenishing Care and Technologies (RC&T) www.rcandt.com

Replenishing Technologies

151 Beckett Crescent
Fonthill,ON, L0S 1E4


PEMF therapy
Replenishing Care and Technologies
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